It can feel lonely and confusing to be a healer, light worker, intuitive, creative, empath, or starseed.
Ever since you were born, you've had a sense that you came to Earth with an important purpose. But no one helped you discover it. Mainstream society taught you to work a "normal" job, but when you went there, you felt purposeless and maybe even miserable.
You often felt a little different from other people.
Growing up, you may have found it hard to understand all the aggression and violence in the world. All you wanted to do was shine your love onto the world, but society taught you to toughen up and get over it. You may have looked up at the night sky and sensed that your real home was out there, among the stars. Yet, no one ever shared with you that this was in fact possible. This led you to question yourself.

What you did know was that you wanted to help humanity, and this was your purpose.
You may have wanted to end global hunger, protect the environment, or bring peace to the world. Maybe you wanted to brighten the world by making and sharing your beautiful art with it, or perhaps you hoped to start a new kind of school for young people--future leaders of the New Earth.
Chances are, society gave you messages that you were impractical, naive, or a "bleeding heart."
so you chose a more practical career path, or moved from job to job, always feeling a bit lost, confused, or disappointed. You may have gotten trained in the healing arts, without ever being able to launch into using them professionally.

Discouraged, you may have had days when you weren't even sure if you could keep going.
You sensed you were here to elevate humanity, but you were unable to increase your healing impact beyond your family, friends, and neighbors. Your spirit beamed love and kindness, but the larger world around you seemed broken, angry, and lost. It was frustrating, even upsetting.
Even though you did not follow your deepest dream, you never fully gave up on it.
Your passion to make the world a better place stayed on a low simmer inside of you, no matter how many distractions or life stages you experienced. Now, you are ready to re-ignite your passion and your purpose. Thank goodness! The world needs you, starseed.

Welcome home starseeds, healers, earth angels, intuitives, empaths, spiritual entrepreneurs, and creatives.

You are right where you are meant to be.
You are not "crazy" for feeling like you came from another realm with an important mission. If you feel that way, you may be a starseed. This means that your soul may have incarnated here on Earth from another galaxy, with the purpose of helping humanity ascend. Or you may be an old soul who has spent many lifetimes on Earth and is here to share important wisdom. Either way, we understand you.
Starseed, it's your turn to grow and blossom.
It's your turn to discover and fulfill your soul's purpose. You have found a safe place to be you, where you will find respect for your unique passions, inner guidance, and personal callings.

Our purpose is to help you remember your soul's authentic purpose,
as shown in your astrology chart and through your inner voice of wisdom. You came to Earth with a road map to help you remember your purpose. Yet, not everyone knows how to find this road map or how to interpret it. It is the diagram of the stars and the planets in the sky at the moment you took your first breath. It is your astrology birth chart!
Astrology is a language.
Let us translate it for you.

Introducing the Life Purpose Astrology Report

We know how frustrating it can be to have a deep passion to help humanity without a clear focus for how to use your gifts.
We understand how discouraging it can feel to live in a society that teaches us not to value our intuition, our kindness, our artistry, or our sensitive nature.

As a starseed and an intuitive, our founder, Suzanne Bellavista, MS, understands how lonely and uncomfortable it can be
to feel like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole when it comes to traditional careers and our fast-paced modern lifestyle. The typical career of 40+ hours each week in an office building often doesn't suit a healer, creative, or intuitive. And traditional educational programs and career-coaching services are not equipped to help starseeds find their true path.
After engaging in hundreds of hours of astrology coaching with clients, Suzanne has created our fun and easy-to-use Life Purpose Astrology Reports
to help other starseeds, healers, creatives, intuitives, and light workers like you clarify their life purpose and soul's mission so they can stop wandering and start fulfilling their unique mission in a joyful, heartfelt way. Are you ready to do the same?

What Suzanne's Astrological Coaching Clients Have to Say...

Dear starseed, healer, and creative...
You deserve to wake up every day feeling excited to live your purpose.
At the Soulful Living Project, we believe everyone deserves to know their purpose so they can lead a joyful life that makes their souls sing and their spirits rise. You shouldn't have to wait to go on vacation or retreat a couple of times a year to experience happiness. You should be able to wake up each day with an excited heart, knowing that you will spend your day doing activities you love that serve a greater purpose and make the world a better place.
It's particularly difficult for starseeds, healers, and creatives to find their authentic path but it doesn't have to be.
Mainstream society offers very few role models or educational programs guiding starseeds and healers toward their true calling. Common job postings aren't for the kind of work that some starseeds came here to fill--spiritual teachers, Akashic Records readers, sound healers, astrologers, death doulas, reiki masters, and the like, but these roles do exist and women are making a living at them. More "practical" professions typically receive greater respect and pay, encouraging some starseeds and healers to put away their gifts in favor of a more secure job path. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Universe would not have sent you here with your passions if you weren't meant to fulfill them, and there are plenty of women doing spiritual, healing, and creative work they love. You can be one of them.
We provide a pathway back to yourself for starseeds, intuitives, and creatives who are awakening to their authentic purpose.
It begins with getting a copy of your Life Purpose Astrology Report. This will be your first, formal contact with the roadmap your soul has provided to help you remember your life purpose. Although you may have had an astrology reading in the past, or seen your birth chart, this is your chance to interpret you chart in terms of your life purpose. We provide you the tools to do so, step by step.
Here's how it works:
- Select the right Life Purpose Astrology Report for you (Free, Essentials, or Complete).
- Read the report and complete the self-coaching exercises.
- Receive greater clarity on your life purpose and begin to take action to fulfill it.
Order your Life Purpose Astrology Report today so you can step onto your soul's highest path and live each day with passion, purpose, peace, and joy in your heart.

Choose the Right Astrology Report for You

Order your Life Purpose Astrology Report today to gain access to the hidden wisdom of your astrology chart, unlock your unique life purpose, and step onto your soul's highest and most joyful path!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a written report really tell me my life purpose?
While there is no magical potion that can automatically tell you exactly what you are here to do, our Life Purpose Astrology Reports will provide you with useful knowledge and insight into yourself based on your unique astrology chart that you can use to clarify and affirm what path you'd like to take next in life. Our reports also include self-coaching exercises to help you get in touch with your higher self, which has access to your life purpose.
Is it really worth paying for a Life Purpose Astro-Report?
Your astrology chart offers unique information that is encoded in the location of the stars and the planets at the time and location of your birth. Your astrology chart is a gift from your soul, but you may not know how to interpret it. While it takes years to learn how to interpret your complete astrology chart, our reports give you quick and easy access to information that takes years to learn through applied study. You will still need to take time to read the report, reflect on it, and do the self-coaching exercises, but rest assured that you are investing in access to information that can only be received through the help of a trained astrologer who has decoded your multi-faceted astrology birth chart to help you reconnect to your life purpose.
Why should I invest in a Life Purpose Astrology Report when I can look up my sun sign on the Internet or use an astrology app to learn more about myself?
Your astrology chart is so much more than your sun sign. Your Life Purpose Report will interpret additional aspects of your astrology chart such as your moon sign, your rising sign, your North and South Nodes of destiny, your Saturn, your Jupiter, your midheaven, and more, depending on which report you buy--all within the context of your life purpose and based on your birth time. Astrology apps have the potential to provide additional insight into your personality and current transits, but they are not focused on Life Purpose. Our reports have been thoughtfully designed by our founder and trained astrologer, Suzanne Bellavista, MS, with the specific intent of helping you gather the sacred knowledge you need to remember your purpose.
What if I need help interpreting my Life Purpose Astro-Report?
Our reports are designed to be easy and fun to use. You will receive value from the report simply by reading it. If you take the time to complete the self-coaching exercises, you will gain even more valuable insight. If you'd like to speak to a professional astrologer to deepen your understanding of the results of your report and to further clarify your Life Purpose, you can book a Life-Purpose Astrology session with Suzanne. If you have any technical questions about receiving and reading the report, you can always reach us during normal business hours via email at [email protected] We look forward to supporting you!
What is your refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of our Life Purpose Astrology reports and the time we spend compiling them for you individually, we are not able to offer a refund after the report has been purchased. However, if you feel you have not gotten enough value from the report, please email us at [email protected] with your concerns and we are happy to offer you a free 25-minute session with Suzanne to help you make the most of the report. You may also want to start by ordering your free mini Life Purpose Astrology report to get a feel for how our reports work before you make a purchase.

The Life Purpose Astrology Report is right for you if...
- you value astrology and desire access to its wisdom
- you desire to have more knowledge about yourself to fill in gaps and affirm your strengths & growing edges
- you enjoy self-reflection and have time to answer written questions and connect to your Higher Self
- you are comfortable with the Life Purpose Report being one step in a larger process of personal discernment

The Life Purpose Astrology Report is not right for you if...
- you are suspicious of astrology and worry it's a waste of time
- you dislike systems that describe your potential traits, interests, and attitudes
- you don't have time to read and review the report, to complete the self-coaching exercises, and to reflect on your learnings
- you need the Life Purpose Astrology Report to give you all the answers and now
Want to learn more?
Order a Free Mini-Report to learn your soul mission and get a flavor of our Life Purpose Reports or purchase a copy of the Soul Mission Activation Kit for only $12 to learn your soul mission, soul pattern, and take action to engage in your mission and release your pattern. Both are available for immediately download.
Starseed, you deserve to know why you were put on this planet.
If you've always had the sense that you came here to do something important, you may be a starseed, lightworker, or old soul from another age, place, and time who has come back to Earth to help humanity rise out of fear, poverty, illness, war, and aggression and to align instead with peace, love, health, abundance, and joyful creation.
Join our community if you are ready to connect to your highest self and to remember your magnificent purpose--to be authentically YOU. The world needs the special talents only you have to offer.
Order your Life Purpose Astrology Report, join our email community, listen to our podcast, or follow us on social media to get started. Welcome back to you!

Not ready to order a report? Follow us via email, Instagram, or our podcast. Let's stay connected!
Still have questions?
Contact us here.
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